Украина и Канада

The 26th Ukraine International Travel Market – UITM’2019

Embassy of Ukraine in Canada / Посольство України в Канаді

13 квітня о 19:49 · 

Save the Date!

October 2-4, 2019
Kyiv, Ukraine

The 26th Ukraine International Travel Market – UITM’2019

UITM is the largest tourist event of the autumn-winter season in Ukraine that gather more than 9,000 professionals of tourism business. It is a great opportunity to connect with national and local tourist associations and organizations, airlines, airports, hotels. Last year the geography of the exhibition included representatives from USA, France, Italy, China, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Turkey, Hungary, Finland, Japan etc.
This event is a unique opportunity to get in touch with Ukrainian cultural heritage.

More information about the tradeshow, business programme and registration:

Last year report:

Embassy of Canada in Ukraine Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support project – CUTIS Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce UITT & UITM Асоціація Гостинності Tourism Industry Association of CanadaOttawa Tourismзбережіть дату!

October 2-4, 2019
Kyiv, Ukraine

26-й міжнародний ринок подорожей – uitm ‘ 2019

UITM is the largest tourist event of the autumn-winter season in Ukraine that gather more than 9,000 professionals of tourism business. It is a great opportunity to connect with national and local tourist associations and organizations, airlines, airports, hotels. Last year the geography of the exhibition included representatives from USA, France, Italy, China, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Turkey, Hungary, Finland, Japan etc.
ця подія – унікальна можливість зв ‘ язку з українською культурної спадщини.

більше інформації про tradeshow, бізнес-програму та реєстрацію:

останній рік звіт:

Embassy of Canada in UkraineCanada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support project – CUTISCanada-Ukraine Chamber of CommerceUITT & UITMАсоціація ГостинностіTourism Industry Association of CanadaOttawa Tourism

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