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Хороших выходных всем?.
On the anniversary of Maidan.
For new readers. Essentials (basics).
▪Everything that is happening in the USA-UKRAINE-Russia triangle today is an ongoing story of Ukraine’s struggle for its independence.
Ok, here it is.
▪ In 2014 the people of Ukraine overthrew the colonial Russian government and announced the beginning of a Great Journey to NATO and the EU. That was, actually, the beginning of Russiagate, which continues today in the US Congress and in Ukraine.

Let’s have a look at it step by step.
▪ Russia reacted to the events in Ukraine by annexation of Crimea and invasion of the Donbass region. Answering that, Obama imposed tough sanctions on Russia.
▪ At that point Russian Federation has two tasks:
Strategic – to get Ukraine back into its spheres of influence and to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and the EU.
Tactical – to have the sanctions lifted.
To do so Russia has to get rid of Obama. In 2015, Trump announces that he will be running for president and Russia started playing on his side and the side of the Republicans against the Democrats and Clinton. This is Russiagate. But, at that point, nothing is on the surface yet.
?Black operation was successful – Trump is the President.
What was next?
▪ Robert Mueller Investigation that brought Russiagate to the surface.
But in order to discredit this investigation, Russia is throwing in a conspiracy theory that it was Ukraine’s intervention in 2016 US elections, and not Russia’s. Trump, Giuliani, and the Republican Party promote this theory in the United States. There are also people in Ukraine who pour water on that same millwheel.
(The day before yesterday all four witnesses at a United States congressional hearing – Williams, Walker, Vindman and Morrison affirmed (under oath) that it was Russia and not Ukraine that interfered in the 2016 US elections. It was also clearly indicated in Mueller’s Report and several GRU officers were officially indicted by Mueller’s team. But Trump and the Republicans pretend that nothing of this had happened).
A year ago, as well as the day before yesterday Putin kept repeating the same theory. His goal is to discredit Mueller and get the sanctions lifted – the sanctions that were imposed for the interference in the elections. To achieve the goal of lifting sanctions imposed for Crimea annexation and Donbass invasion, Putin needs Trump to be re-elected for the second term.
?Now, what is Ukrainegate (or I would rather say: so-called Ukrainegate)
In fact, this is a wrong name from mass media, and it’s definitely not a scandal about Trump’s phone call to Ukraine on July 25. Not at all.
This is a sequel of that same Russiagate. This is the same story that began in 2014. The only difference: in 2016 Russia played for the Republicans and Trump against Clinton, and in 2020 is playing for the Republicans and Trump against Biden.
The phone call just pulled the trigger causing the avalanche to rush down.
As I wrote two years ago, besides Mueller investigation, there were the FBI, the NSA, and the CIA Russiagate counterintelligence investigations, that never stopped. So, it was only a matter of time before the avalanche starts moving. As it turned out the CIA work and the phone call on July 25th became the last straw.
On a final note.
▪ Congress. Impeachment.
This is a golden bullet and you cannot allow yourself to spoil it. You cannot rush, you cannot allow yourself to get carried away, you cannot get distracted. There is only one goal (either earlier or in November) to prevent Trump’s second term. Otherwise the damage will be irreparable for the United States, and for the West, and for Ukraine, and for NATO and the EU.
This is what we have been witnessing since 2013.
However, this time we are not only witnessing the history, we are being a part of it.

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